Pupil Premium

The Government provides schools and academies with a ‘pupil premium’ which is additional to main school funding. This funding is provided to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.

At Liskeard Hillfort Primary School, pupil premium funding helps our most disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils to flourish.

We have prioritised our pupil premium to maximise the impact on the life chances and education of children. Our focus is on one to one and small group intervention in core subjects.

Our objectives are:

  • To remove barriers to learning
  • To broaden experiences and widen opportunities for children
  • To accelerate pupil progress and raise attainment
  • To prepare children for citizenship for their future role in society.
We compare the learning and achievement of children who are entitled to pupil premium with those children who are not entitled nationally.

Pupil Premium Review for 22-23.docx

Pupil Premium 2023-24.docx