Equality of Opportunity


Promotes equality of opportunity so that all pupils can thrive together, understanding that difference is a positive, not a negative, and that individual characteristics make people unique.  


Science -ideas from the science PLAN resources, children were encouraged to look at the similarities and differences between themselves and others in the class and to celebrate each other. 

Children notice changes in their bodies after exercise such as heart beating faster.   They talk about each child’s response may be different. 

Computing - Devices are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children.

RE - Curriculum boxes with specific religious  artefacts are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children

PSHE - PSHE lessons on similarities and differences of people and families.  BAME books in the termly class favourites. 


My Princess Boy

Cheryl Kilodavies


The Too Tall Giraffe

Christine Maier



Divid McKe



Science - Children are taught that there are many different animals with different characteristics. 

Computing: Devices are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children.

RE - Curriculum boxes with specific religious  artefacts are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children

PSHE MTP We are all special and unique. 


Fabulous Frankie

Simon James Green


It’s OK to be Different

Todd Parr


Giraffes Can’t Dance

Giles Andrea


Hair Love

Matthew Cherry



Sarah Asquo


The Littlest yak

Su Fraser



Science - Children are taught that there are many different animals with different characteristics.  

Devices are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children.

RE - Curriculum boxes with specific religious  artefacts are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children

PSHE MTP - Respecting uniqueness.  Respecting ourselves and others. 


The Great Big Book of Families

Mary Hoffman


Jacob’s new Dress

Sarah Hoffman


It’s OK to be Different

Sharon Purtill


Computing - Devices are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children. Natterhub: They learn to recognise online identities as only part of a whole person and explore the importance of positive self-talk. 

RE - Curriculum boxes with specific religious  artefacts are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children

Art and Design – exploration of a range of diverse artists and their work



Science - Recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways including using inherited characteristics and celebrating differences and similarities. Children study Thomas Edison and discover that he was partially deaf.   

Computing: Natterhub:  They understand how online and offline identities are different 

RE - Curriculum boxes with specific religious  artefacts are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children

PSHE - MTP - Relationships and the law.  Respectful relationships



Science - Y5 children learn about the scientist Sir Isaac Newton and as part of this learning children learn that it is considered that he was neuro diverse.  His achievements are celebrated. 

Computing: Devices are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children. Natterhub: They will describe how information found online can be used to make judgements about individuals. 

RE - Curriculum boxes with specific religious  artefacts are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children

PSHE - MTP - Be who you want to be! Identities.   Stereotypes. Discrimination.   

Art and Design – exploration of a range of diverse artists and their work



Science - Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including microorganisms, plants and animals. Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. 

Computing: Devices are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children. 

RE - Curriculum boxes with specific religious  artefacts are used to scaffold learning and allow access for all children

PSHE - MTP - Embrace diversity! Pride , LGBTQ+ , Discrimination, Hate crime 

Art and Design – exploration of a range of diverse artists and their work