Key Concepts and Skills

Hillfort Specific
Embody the school’s values
Kindness, resilience, challenge
With children’s increased use of technology, we are aware that they are spending more time sat playing e-games, watching a screen or using a range of social media. This in turn, is having an impact on their practical, outdoor and physical activity.
Multicultural Links
How can we use technology and online learning to allow children to access information, cultures, people and places that they not be able to experience? E.g virtual reality, film, pictures, linking with children in different countries and finding out new information.
Computing Concepts
  • We have to learn to balance the benefits offered by technology with an awareness of its effects on ourselves and others, including how to keep ourselves safe within the virtual world.
  • Technology is everywhere. Be able to identify it and have a growing understanding of how it works and its effect.
  • Machines work when given specific, accurate instructions.
  • Technology moves quickly: what does the future hold?
  • Technology can be a tool for creativity.
  • Music production Digital Art Video creation.
  • Geographical barriers can be overcome with technology, connecting us as Global Digital Citizens.
Computing Skills
Digital Literacy Self-image and identity, online relationships, online reputation, online bullying, managing online information, health wellbeing and lifestyles, privacy and security and copyright and ownership.
Information Technology Word processing, Data handling, Presentations (web design, e Books), Video creation (animation, Augmented reality and green screen) and Digital Art (photography, sound and art)

Links with Digital Literacy (audience and design)
Computer Science Using Computational Thinking to solve problems such as sequencing steps (algorithms), implementing the algorithm as code and being able to debug mistakes.