Character Education

Character Education

Character is a set of personal traits or dispositions that produce emotions, inform motivation and guide how we behave. Character education includes all educational activities that help young people develop positive personal strengths called virtues.

Kind of School

Liskeard Hillfort is welcoming to all and inclusive in our approach to all we do. We embrace a wide range of styles of teaching to ensure access for all and aim to develop the children into positive members of society. Children are encouraged to develop these skills both within the classroom environment and through a wide range of other avenues including our School Council, extra-curricular activities and an excellent range of residential opportunities.

Behaviour Expectations

At Liskeard Hillfort, we have a clear and positive approach to behaviour which is shared with everyone throughout the school. All children are encouraged to decide wisely the kind of person they wish to become and to learn to make positive choices about their behaviour. Where children display challenging behaviour, they are encouraged and supported to be reflective of their words and actions both upon themselves and others.

Resilience and Confidence

Whilst at Liskeard Hillfort, children are encouraged to aim high and achieve the best they can. They are actively taught skills in resilience and how to learn lessons from these experiences. We encourage children to have confidence and try new experiences, to challenge themselves in all they do, to be confident in their own abilities and celebrate successes in both academic and wider personal achievements.

At Liskeard Hillfort, we want to develop well rounded and tolerant young people. We want our children to grow into individuals where they think about the positive benefits of equality and inclusion and to reduce the corrosive effects of ignorance and intolerance. To create a place where people of different faiths and no faith can live side by side, displaying mutual respect, understanding and friendship.


We ensure the highest level of opportunities for children to explore new and creative opportunities through our extended curriculum. We are proud to offer a Sports Academy, Creative Arts Academy and Chef’s Academy across the school year where children are able to access teaching of these skills by professionals who are experts in their field. This includes teaching by professional footballers, rugby players, chefs and performance artists to ensure children are exposed to the best experiences to develop their skills.

Volunteering and Service

At Liskeard Hillfort, we value the impact of volunteering and service within our community has upon our children. We have seen the effects that it has on breaking down social barriers and the impact upon this on both the children and the wider community.

We have a variety of opportunities for children to take an active part both within the school and wider local community. Whilst carrying out these roles, children feel a level of identity and responsibility which is integral to character education. Within school, we have roles such as Peer Mentors, Stay Safe Mentors, Play Leaders and Zoo Squad alongside many others. In the wider community, we have taken part in many community events, raised money and awareness for local causes and taken part in a very successful reading link with the local care home. This has helped to bridge the generation gap, developed children’s reading and social skills whilst also carrying out a vital volunteering service to the local community.


All children are encouraged to take part in all aspects of our school life. Where families face barriers to this, we work alongside them to assist to ensure equal opportunities for all. Everyone is equally valued, respected and has the same opportunities. We ensure that all that we offer, both academic and co-curricular, is there to both meet the needs of and challenge the community that we serve.

Our ultimate aim of character education is the development of good sense; knowing how to choose the right course of action in different and often tricky situations. This in turn then helps drive equity and social mobility for all children.

At Liskeard Hillfort, we ensure that opportunities help young people to explore and express their character and build the skills they need for resilience, empathy and employability.